2 Corinthians

June 17, 2016 – July 22, 2016

2 Corinthians

The biblical letter of 2 Corinthians may seem like a ministry guide for pastors, evangelists, and missionary's, but it's actually Paul's encouragement for the average Christian. This Groundwork series studies Paul's description of the ups and downs of his apostolic ministry as he describes it in 2 Corinthians to embrace his encouragement toward faithful discipleship and continued witnessing simply through personal testimony of daily life, and his reminder of God's strength despite the challenges we might encounter to the gospel message.

Episodes in this Series

2 CorinthiansJune 17 , 2016

The Comfort of God

Discover the powerful impact God's presence and comfort can have on our faith when we lean into God during experiences of suffering.Then observe Paul's testimony to learn how the comfort of the gospel equips us to share God's comfort with others through our testimony.

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2 CorinthiansJune 24 , 2016

The Aroma of Christ

We hear a lot about how our words and actions impact people. But it can be disconcerting to realize the same message will inspire some and be totally rejected by others. Join us as we study 2 Corinthians 2:12-17 to see what Paul says this means for how we live and witness for Christ.

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2 CorinthiansJuly 1 , 2016

Jars of Clay

Do you ever question your ability to tell people about Christ? Ever feel like you don’t have the best words, enough theological training, or the right title? Join Groundwork as we study 2 Corinthians 4:1-12 to find out why Paul would say none of that is necessary and you are God’s tool, capable of preaching his message.

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2 CorinthiansJuly 8 , 2016

Ambassadors of Christ

Representing someone is both an honor and a challenge. In 2 Corinthians 5:11-6:2, Paul describes our call to serve as Christ’s ambassadors on earth. Join Groundwork as we study Paul’s words and how they shape both our actions and words as Christ’s followers.

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2 CorinthiansJuly 15 , 2016

God's Generosity

Simply mention church and money in the same sentence and there’s a good chance you’ll get a reaction. But God is generous and calls his people to be generous. Join Groundwork in studying 2 Corinthians 9:6-15 to learn how our relationship with money affects our discipleship.

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2 CorinthiansJuly 22 , 2016

God's Grace in Our Weakness

Whether it’s fictional superheroes or trending internet stories about overcoming the odds, our culture clearly favors stories celebrating strength. Join Groundwork as we study 2 Corinthians 12 to discover why Paul argues that believers should be more comfortable boasting in our weaknesses and gain insight for our encounters with unanswered prayer.

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