Ruth: A Story for When We Feel Abandoned by God

In times of real hardship even the most committed Christian can wonder “Has God abandoned me?” or “Why does God allow suffering in the first place?” In times like this, it can be difficult to see God’s providence and provision in your situation. If you’ve ever felt this way, you are not alone. The good new is that God offers us encouragement in his word, especially in the story of Ruth, where we find a mother-in-law on the edge of despair and a young, at-risk woman simply committed to do the next right thing.

Like Naomi, widowed and childless in a foreign land, crying out “the Lord’s hand has turned against me!” (Ruth 1:13b), we ought not be surprised or ashamed that we sometimes feel afflicted or abandoned by God. If you, or someone you know, is struggling to make sense of suffering and pain in a time of uncertainty and hardship, we pray you find this selection of articles, devotions, and Bible studies, centered on the story of Ruth, from Groundwork and her sister program, Today devotional, helpful and encouraging.

From Groundwork

“Why Does God Allow Suffering?” by Courtney Jacob

“Has God Abandoned Me?” by Christopher Hunt

“What Is Providence?” by Scott Hoezee

"Naomi: An Example of Steadfast Faith" by Courtney Jacob

To dig more deeply into the book of Ruth, we recommend “Ruth: Surprised by God’s Providence,” an audio Bible study and ebook from Groundwork.

From Today devotional

“Ruth and Esther: Wise Living Far from Home,” a 31-day devotional series by Rev. Arie Leder

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