We are the Living Temple of God

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What Does it Mean to Be the Church?

We are the Living Temple of God

October 11, 2019   •   Ephesians 2:19-22 John 1:14

The Temple played a significant role in the life of the ancient Israelites. It was their place of worship, but more importantly, it represented the presence of God among them.  This is the awe and significance the New Testament writers want to convey when they apply temple imagery to the Church. God’s people, the Church, are the Living Temple of God, God’s very presence with his people. Studying the image of the Church as a Living Temple and digging into the Old Testament roots of that image gives us a greater understanding of the relationship God desires to reestablish with us. It also anchors our faith when human brokenness overshadows and threatens to distract us from the truth of our holiness as God’s beloved people. 

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