The Fruit of Gentleness

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The Fruit of the Spirit

The Fruit of Gentleness

June 22, 2018   •   Matthew 11:28-30 1 Peter 3:15-17

It's more common for us to associate gentleness with weakness than with strength. Think about it: what images or words come to mind when you think about gentleness? Would you describe these images and words as strong and influential or meek and vulnerable? Yet, as followers of Christ, we are called to bear the spiritual fruit of gentleness. How do we do that without allowing others to take advantage of us? We study the life of Jesus, the best model of gentleness lived out. Recognizing the connection between gentleness, our salvation, and God's kingdom leads us to discover real power inherent in the spiritual fruit of gentleness—a power that in turn gives great strength to our witness and testimony to God's work in our lives.

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