I Believe in the Church, God's Community

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The Apostles' Creed: What Christians Believe

I Believe in the Church, God's Community

May 8, 2020   •   John 10:14-16 Colossians 1:15-18 Ephesians 4:4-6 John 17:21 1 Peter 2:9 Acts 2:42-27

Is the Church a building, a group of people, or some other institution designed by humans? Study the scriptures to gain a biblical understanding of the Church and the communion of saints. Learn why the Apostles’ Creed declares we believe in “one, holy catholic Church” even though the Church is full of imperfect people and splintered denominations. Discover why Christians talk about the small c “church” and the big C “Church.” Dig into God’s Word with Groundwork and learn why it’s impossible to be a believer without being connected to the body of Christ.

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