Gospel Beginnings: What Happened Next?

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Gospel Beginnings

Gospel Beginnings: What Happened Next?

December 28, 2012   •   Luke 2:22-40

Luke 2 is one of the most familiar and beloved of all the Bible’s chapters, because it’s the chapter that contains the Christmas story. But Luke 2 doesn’t end around the manger. After the shepherds depart, after the angels have all disappeared and the echoes of their songs of glory to God in the highest and peace on earth have died away, the story of Jesus’ life goes on. The next stop on the tour of Jesus' life is the temple in Jerusalem where we meet Simeon, an old man who waiting to see the Messiah, Israel's Savior, and whose song teaches us more about this baby Jesus and what his life will accomplish. Through these stories we continue to encounter the God who fulfills his promises. 

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