Gideon and God's Unconventional Ways

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Judges: God's Enduring Commitment

Gideon and God's Unconventional Ways

March 22, 2019   •   Judges 6-7

You’ve heard it before and maybe even said it yourself: “God works in mysterious ways.” It’s what Christians say when an outcome surprises us or when we can’t imagine how God can resolve an impossible situation. In Judges 6, when God chooses Gideon as Israel’s next deliverer, he upends human logic and expectation. Gideon’s story reminds us that we are not in control and that God can win mighty victories, despite the odds, and in the most unconventional of ways. It also reminds us that no matter how many excuses we make, God can and will use us to do his work, if we make ourselves available to him. 

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