Be Holy

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Leviticus: How to Live in God's Presence

Be Holy

September 18, 2020   •   Leviticus 11:44-47 Leviticus 19:14-37 1 Peter 1:13-16

The book of Leviticus, often called the “the holiness code” by scholars, contains all the rules and laws Israel was to follow in order to be holy. Why did they need to be holy? Because God is holy and his presence dwelt among them. This holiness code may feel out-of-date to Christians today, because Jesus Christ’s sacrifice has freed us from the burden of these rules and laws. But when we read the New Testament, we quickly discover that the theme of Leviticus—to be holy because God is holy—still applies to followers of Christ today. Studying the holiness code can help us better understand God’s command to“Be holy because I am holy” and what it means for how we live our lives. 

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