Scott Hoezee

Why does Jesus’ Family Tree Matter?

The Gospel of Matthew begins with a long list of names that can be tempting to skip in order to get to the Christmas story, but this record of Jesus' family tree matters. The gospel writer uses Jesus’ genealogy to establish Jesus Christ as the Messiah and to establish the theme he will carry through the rest of his gospel: no matter your background, you belong in God’s family.

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Courtney Jacob

Groundwork’s Top 10 Recommended Series

As Groundwork celebrates producing 500 original episodes, we share the top ten series our Groundwork community recommends from our archives.

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Courtney Jacob

Ezekiel: A Message of Judgment and Hope

The book of Ezekiel can sometimes seem bizarre and hard to understand, but if we take the time to study Ezekiel’s call to ministry, his prophetic visions, and the messages he delivers to God’s people, we’ll glean wisdom for our own lives and ministries today.

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What do Christians believe? An ancient confession of belief known as the Apostles’ Creed provides a succinct summary of the core beliefs of Christianity held by nearly every Christian tradition over the centuries.

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Courtney Jacob

The Importance of Giving Thanks

Thanksgiving is more than a holiday, it’s a spiritual practice—a daily practice that flows from a humble, grateful heart, deepens our spiritual life, and enriches our relationship with God. Discover resources to help you nurture this healthy habit in your life.

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Every generation faces different challenges and societal values often change over time, but in any and every cultural climate, we can study Jesus’ famous teachings in The Sermon on the Mount to discern how best to live and respond to our world, to remember God’s heart, and to align ourselves again with God’s kingdom perspective.

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